—No podemos descansar en nuestro
sueño eterno —aseveró un cadáver al que aún restaban restos de carne
—Y sus ruidos retumban en las tumbas
—añadió una calavera que reposaba en un nicho.
—Debemos hacer algo —dijo
solemnemente el presidente del concilio de los muertos, una momia de un
personaje ilustre en su tiempo, pero totalmente olvidado ahora.
Nadie propuso nada. Ni los difuntos
del patio de los suicidas, tan amigos de filosofar a la luz de la luna llena,
ni las piadosas monjitas de clausura, todas ellas amortajadas de la misma
manera, y algunas aún vestidas con sus hábitos. Tampoco intervinieron los
infantes muertos, ni los adolescentes caídos en la plenitud de la vida, ni los
viejos cadáveres, que llevaban en el camposanto desde que se tenía conocimiento
de su existencia.
—Ellos ignoran nuestra presencia
—afirmó un sanguinolento cuerpo, víctima de un fatal accidente de tráfico —.
Debemos avisarles de que no pueden seguir así.
—Nunca habíamos tenido problemas
—musitó el presidente.
—O intervenimos ahora, o nunca
descansaremos en paz —propuso vehementemente un muerto que sostenía su cabeza
en una mano, y que hasta entonces había permanecido en silencio.
Todos asintieron con estruendosos
gritos, que resonaron en las cavernas donde se habían reunido.
—Había sido todo tan tranquilo hasta
ahora —suspiró entristecido la momia presidente.
A partir de la noche siguiente, comenzaron
las apariciones fantasmales en toda la urbanización recién construida. Puestos
a complicar las cosas, el concilio había decidido que, si no descansaban los
muertos, tampoco tenían derecho a hacerlo los vivos.
—We can´t rest on our eternal sleep —A
corpse said which has still remnants of rotting flesh.
—And its noises makes echo in the tombs— A skull resting in a niche added.
—We must do something —the president of the council of the dead said solemnly, an illustrious figure s mummy in his time, but now completely forgotten.
No one suggested anything. Neither the deceased from the ground of suicidal, as friends make philosophy in the light of the full moon, or the pious cloistered nuns, all of them shrouded in the same way, and some of them still dressed habits. Neither dead infants nor intervened, neither died teenagers in the prime of life, neither old corpses which were in the cemetery since it was aware of its existence.
—They ignored our presence— a bloody body affirmed, victim of a fatal accident of car —. We must advise them that they can´t continue as well.
—We had not ever problems— muttered the President.
—Or we intervene right now or we rest never in peace —A dead holding his head in one of his hand proposed vehemently, and he had been silent before now.
Everyone nodded with loud cries which them make echo through the holes where they had gathered.
There was been so quiet until now —the president mummy sighed sadly.
From the next night, ghostly apparitions began within the newly built urbanization. In order to complicate more matters, the council had decided that if the dead didn´t rest, the live don´t have the right to rest.
—And its noises makes echo in the tombs— A skull resting in a niche added.
—We must do something —the president of the council of the dead said solemnly, an illustrious figure s mummy in his time, but now completely forgotten.
No one suggested anything. Neither the deceased from the ground of suicidal, as friends make philosophy in the light of the full moon, or the pious cloistered nuns, all of them shrouded in the same way, and some of them still dressed habits. Neither dead infants nor intervened, neither died teenagers in the prime of life, neither old corpses which were in the cemetery since it was aware of its existence.
—They ignored our presence— a bloody body affirmed, victim of a fatal accident of car —. We must advise them that they can´t continue as well.
—We had not ever problems— muttered the President.
—Or we intervene right now or we rest never in peace —A dead holding his head in one of his hand proposed vehemently, and he had been silent before now.
Everyone nodded with loud cries which them make echo through the holes where they had gathered.
There was been so quiet until now —the president mummy sighed sadly.
From the next night, ghostly apparitions began within the newly built urbanization. In order to complicate more matters, the council had decided that if the dead didn´t rest, the live don´t have the right to rest.
Francisco J. Segovia©Todos los derechos
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